Mobile Service and Pickup & Delivery: Program Updates and Growth
Date & Time
Tuesday, May 17, 2022, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Location Name
Diamond Room I
Hunter Roberts

The global pandemic has accelerated a shift in the way retailers must interact with consumers. In this session we will revisit Pick-up-and-Delivery and Mobile Service, two programs that retailers have leveraged to assure safety and drive value to customers over the last year. The session will begin with a quick overview of how Carlisle defines each program and a brief recap of the first session. We will then focus on understanding how these programs have evolved since their inception and the adjustments that were made to drive efficiency, adoption, and profitability. Finally, we will seek to understand how customers have responded to these programs, what they have liked, and what can be enhanced. At the end of this session, OEMs should walk away with a clear understanding of the best-in-class practices deployed by retailers to maximize PUD and Mobile Service value for all stakeholders and the key value drivers for customers that use this feature.

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